Extraordinary General Meeting - 23.11.2021, 11:00

Information about the shares

The total number of shares in the Company is 14,900,000 (say: fourteen million nine hundred thousand).
The number of votes at the date of convening the General Meeting is 14,900,000 (say: fourteen million nine hundred thousand).
All shares of the company are ordinary bearer shares.

Draft of resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Management Board of KOGENERACJA S.A. giving the Shareholders the opportunity to get to know the candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company, hereby informs that on October 18, 2021 he received the candidacy of Mr. Krzysztof Kuśmierowski for a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company from PGE Energia Ciepła SA, a shareholder entitled to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company convened for November 23, 2021.

Transmission of the session and registration

The Company does not plan to broadcast the session and to register the Extraordinary General Meeting on November 23, 2021.

Basic principles of the sanitary regime during the Extraordinary General Meeting

Due to the introduction of a state of epidemic in the country, the rules of working under the sanitary regime for the Company were introduced in KOGENERACJA S. A. The most important principles are presented in the attached document.